Monday, June 13, 2011

Teens and your cars

As summer makes its way to us in a hurry, please make sure you are NOT driving and drinking! I wouldn't do that you say.....well I hope not but understand that drinking and driving are a huge taboo! Not only is it against the law but it is also a good way to get to heaven sooner than you expected. Graduation parties are tons of fun. A great time to see your friends for that one last time or to plan what you will be doing during the summer.
Parents don't want their last sight of you to be in a casket or wrapped around a tree off the freeway. Your parents love you, believe it or not, and they want you to be around long after they are no longer here so don't think it can't happen to you because it can.
By the way, the same goes for talking on your cell phone and texting while driving. A GREAT way to end up in a ditch at the very least.
Just do yourself a favor and take care of yourself and your friends. Do what you know is right and not what your friends pressure you into.
You are the only you there is and we want to keep you around for a very long time so, be careful and watch what you are doing. If you are driving, YOU are responsible to keep the car on the road so stay alert.

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